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Websites Held Hostage

I’ve helped a number of business owners who hired someone to develop a website for them only to learn they were unable to make even the most minor edits without again engaging the developer.

Whether it’s intentional or by accident, it’s a problem. You, or a knowledgeable person on your team, need to be able to access your own website or your site can be down or have incorrect information listed for days, weeks or longer. Even if you’re not web savvy, a responsible developer can train you to make simple changes. If not, they picked the wrong tool for your web presence.

For example, a client hired a web developer and paid them a tremendous amount of money. Months later, no website. When the client pushed, the developer posted something that did not match the concept they discussed and was not created using an accessible tool like WordPress. Changes were discussed and the client waited again. And this client was a retailer with a lot of events and changing product lines, so it was very important that they be able to make changes quickly.

Needless to say it was not a good experience. To top it all off, the developer wouldn’t turn over the login or password to the domain and web tool so my client could start over.

If you don’t have access to your site I may be able to help you get that access. Then we can talk about how to set it up so you can make your own minor edits, or I can train someone in your company to do it for you.