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Sorry for the play on words – in this case I want you to LEAVE your legacy Constant Contact email template and start new – so you can make the most of the latest and greatest features Constant Contact has to offer.

How do you do this? Simply start over. Use Create to start a new email campaign, choose a layout or one of the many templates Constant Contact makes available. Once you start, you should see new features in your toolbox. If this scares you or if you have a template/email design that you don’t think you can re-create, I’m happy to help you.

Why should you do this? As I mentioned before, there may be new features you are not able to use with your legacy template. In addition, you know how quickly the tech world changes. Constant Contact is regularly updating to keep up with those changes.

I encourage you to create a test email, pick a fun template and see what you might be missing!